“One of the highlights of the last 10 years…meeting Katie Bear!”

“After 38 years in the NHS, I retired. I then returned in June 2023 to continue my full-time work at Cardiac & Neuro Outpatients at Leeds General Infirmary. I am now moving on to take on a more senior role…! I must be crazy but looking forward to the new challenge ahead.


“I am not going far, just a change in role. I have accepted the post of Matron within the Outpatients CSU at Leeds. I will still be around but I will be based at St James’s Hospital with a remit for Seacroft Outpatients, the new community diagnostic centres and phlebotomy.


“I will be working alongside the current Matron, Clair Woodrow, to allow us to provide more support to the ever-increasing Outpatients CSU nursing and phlebotomy service.


“It is a 6-12 month secondment post so who knows, I may be back!!

“I transferred from Hands and Plastics to the Cardiac and Neuro Outpatients department in 2014. I have thoroughly enjoyed the 10 year journey that we, as a team, have been on and I have seen many positive changes during this time.


“It hasn’t been without its challenges but with the support of a fantastic, patient-centred team and Children’s Heart Surgery Fund we have strived to improve the experience of patients and families who attend the department, and support them during part of their hospital journey. I am confident this will continue.


“None of this would have been possible without the fantastic team of nurses and clinicians that work in the department and I will be forever grateful for their hard work, enthusiasm and support they have shown me during my time as departmental manager.


“Thank you to all at CHSF for your support during my time here and for recognising that Outpatients is also part of the patients journey and always including us in your plans.”

We’re shouting the biggest “good luck” and “thank you” to Senior Sister Judith as she leaves Leeds Cardiac Outpatients after 10 years!

We’re so grateful to all her support of CHSF over the last decade. It’s not “goodbye”, it’s “see you soon!”

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