“[As an adult patient] I found it really good to be able to talk openly. Thank you so much.” — ACHD patient
“It was a lovely morning and thank you for being there for a chat” — heart mum
At Cardiac Cafe we invite parents of young cardiac patients and adult congenital heart patients to attend this social event where you can meet CHSF’s Family Support team and have opportunities to meet others from the local area.
The Family Support team regularly invite professionals from the cardiac unit in Leeds to attend Cardiac Cafe events, as well as others from across the network.
Light refreshments will be provided, along with a goody bag. Children under 5 are welcome to attend.
PLEASE NOTE: These events are only for families who have a member with a congenital heart condition and are under the care of the Leeds Congenital Heart Unit and/or Yorkshire and Humber Congenital Heart Disease Operational Delivery Network

Full details still being confirmed – watch this space!
Sign up below to let us know you’d be interested in coming along!
Can’t see a Cardiac Cafe coming up near you? Fill in the form below and let us know where you’d like an event to take place.
Please use the form below to register your interest in attending a Cardiac Cafe event in your area. The Family Support team will be in touch with more details.