NHS England give Heart Unit the official green light

We’re so pleased to report NHS England has given the Leeds Congenital Heart Unit the official green light to stay open. NHSE today confirmed it is satisfied with the progress of the Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust in meeting standards for congenital heart...

Our new ambassador Dickie Bird

We’re thrilled to welcome legendary cricket umpire and commentator Dickie Bird OBE as our charity ambassador. What’s more, Dickie has donated £30,000 of his own money towards our Keeping The Beat fund for a new heart theatre. His heartfelt engagement with young...

Guest Blog: Why icelolly.com Support CHSF

[su_service title=”Post submitted by icelolly.com CRM Communications Manager Darren Kunar” icon=”icon: user”][/su_service] As a key player in the holiday industry, we’re keen on using our position and respect within the market to help raise...

Marie Lees: Fundraiser of the Month

Marie Lees is this month’s Fundraiser of the Month. She’s been working hard to raise money and spread awareness for Children’s Heart Surgery Fund (CHSF). She also provides fantastic help to the marketing department in her capacity as director at local media agency...