Meet the Team: Lauren

Meet the Team: Lauren

Your chance to get to know a bit more about our Community & Events Fundraiser, Lauren Procter… “I’m Lauren and I live in Wakefield with my husband Darren, 11 year old stepson Finlay, and my five year old daughter Erin.” “When I left high...
Warrior Wednesday: Arthur

Warrior Wednesday: Arthur

“We will never be able to repay what they have done, and continue to do, for us.” From a place to stay while son, Arthur, was having surgery, to being able to monitor oxygen levels once they got home, heart mum Jessica recounts all the ways her family have...
Warrior Wednesday: Reggie

Warrior Wednesday: Reggie

Heart warrior Reggie has a heart condition called Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS) which was diagnosed before he was born. As Reggie approaches his 6th birthday, mum Michelle shares with us her family’s story… My son Reggie is 5 years old. He was...