Watch our full 2024 Christmas appeal video here.

Thanks to your amazing fundraising, Children’s Heart Surgery Fund (CHSF) are able to purchase INR home testing kits for heart patients of all ages.

We have been able to provide over 70 INR machines this year alone.

The International Normalised Ratio (INR) test is a measure of the time it takes for your blood to clot.

An INR machine is a portable device which allows an individual to measure their own INR at frequent intervals. This is done via a machine which involves a finger prick, and a small amount of blood is analysed. Results can then be telephoned into the clinic.

Over the years we have heard how important these machines are to patient’s health, independence and wellbeing.

INR Machines reduce stress and allow a patient to test their blood levels themselves at home without missing school or work for hospital appointments.

“It has been so important that she has had the ability to home test with being a busy Mum and recovering from surgery.”

Jo Birkett, Adult Congenital Nurse Specialist, told us all about one adult patient who has been helped recently:

“She was admitted for valve surgery not long after having a baby – about 8 months. She had a mechanical valve replacement and was started on Warfarin following this. Patients usually have to wait until the INR blood tests are in the right range before they are discharged home, hers were not quite in range but she was well and keen to get home to her baby.

“We gave her an INR machine and taught her how to use it. Initially she used the machine to check her INR and called the Nurse Specialist team with her result and the Consultant Cardiologist told her what warfarin dose to take.”

“Once we were happy that she was in range, her GP practice agreed to take on the dosing of the warfarin. She is having regular tests and it has been so important that she has had the ability to home test with being a busy Mum and recovering from surgery.”

Older patients like the level of control the machine gives them. Jo Birkett continues…

“These machines change patient’s lives for the better, and those teenagers and adults who have received the new devices are incredibly grateful.

“They no longer have to take time off work for appointments, and the test itself is a relatively straightforward finger prick rather than a more-involved blood test. It’s a big deal being on Warfarin for life, and the kits help people feel in control of their condition.”

But it’s not just adults who benefit, INR machines are particularly useful in cases where children with CHD struggle with the experience of giving blood.

We found out all about this from the perspective of young Bella back in November 2020.

And earlier his year we received a lovely video from Roman from Doncaster, who showed us exactly how they work!

Did you spot Roman in our Christmas Appeal video?

INR machines are quite robust, but they aren’t reusable and sometimes need replacing.

Congenital Cardiac Nurse Specialist, Lindsay Bamford explains:

“Occasionally we do receive INR Kits back if patients are able to stop their Warfarin. But we cannot reuse them for other patients as the manufacturers say they are for one patient use only. Some patients have had them up to 10 years, and we do them replace them if necessary.”

Over recent years CHSF have provided hundreds of INR machines to patients with congenital heart disease, and their families and we would like to continue funding more INR machines for our patients and families with your help!

Please visit our JustGiving page and help grant this Christmas wish. Thank you!

Watch our full Christmas Wishes Appeal video, featuring lots of familiar faces – including staff, patients and families! Thanks to everyone who got involved!

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