Watch our full 2024 Christmas appeal video here.
Thanks to your fantastic support and donations, Children’s Heart Surgery Fund (CHSF) are able to purchase many KardiaMobile devices for heart patients of all ages.
These devices are used by the cardiologists to help diagnose heart rhythm problems. The little attachment works with a mobile phone app, and can perform and record an ECG (electrocardiogram) trace.
We have received lots of recent feedback about these devices, here’s 5 good reasons why our patients really need KardiaMobiles…
“The Kardia devices can take a medical-grade ECG in just 30 seconds. Patients simply open the Kardia app on their smart phone, put their fingers on the electrodes and see results instantly.”
“It is so reassuring as without the confirmation that everything on the reading is NORMAL, I would probably have wasted so many trips to A&E or calling an ambulance because of my daughter’s palpitations.”
“I found it incredibly helpful and it has helped pick up ectopic beats.”
“I was recently given one in the Adult congenital unit to keep an eye on my arrhythmia’s, as having more than usual and wasn’t sure if I’d gone into AF. Already been used to send a reading to the nurses.”
“Incredible device meaning my 12 y.o. can access/record episodes of palpitations etc on his own smartphone and send them to Leeds to be reviewed by people who ‘know’ his heart… as our local hospital are not equipped to understand his ‘normal’.”

Over recent years CHSF have provided hundreds of KardiaMobile devices to patients with congenital heart disease, and their families and we would like to continue funding more Kardias for our patients and families with your help!
Please visit our JustGiving page and help grant this Christmas wish. Thank you!
Watch our full Christmas Wishes Appeal video, featuring lots of familiar faces – including staff, patients and families! Thanks to everyone who got involved!
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