Watch our full 2024 Christmas appeal video here.
“On the 7th Day of Christmas, our nurses really need – life saving training!”
Thanks to your donations, Rosie Brakefield was appointed as Lead Cardiac Physiologist for the Yorkshire and Humber Congenital Heart Disease network earlier this year.
And as part of her role, Rosie is facilitating essential training and support for echocardiographers across the region.
Rosie told us:
“We are really excited to have identified three experienced sonographers from the network who have now started some training in congenital echocardiography. This was kicked off with a study day on the 14th November which involved some teaching sessions and hands on experience on the neonatal simulator.

“The trainees will now come to Leeds once a week to get hands on with learning to scan congenital patients, both paediatric and adult.
“They all plan to sit the theory of the British Society of Echocardiography congenital exam in March and will start to collect cases for their logbook as soon as possible.
“These three members of staff will allow for physiologist-led services to continue in two centres alongside providing support for the paediatricians with expertise in cardiology (PECs) both with inpatient and outpatient work.
“The other centre we are hoping to set up is a new adult congenital cardiology clinic (ACHD) which will allow patients to be seen closer to home, providing the same care as in Leeds but in a local hospital. They will also provide support for the PEC in this centre, allowing more detailed scans to be performed at the time of the appointment.”
Rosie’s role would not have been possible without your amazing fundraising, and the sonography training next year will make a huge difference to many lives in the future.

Over recent years CHSF has funded many different training opportunities for NHS staff, and we would like to continue into 2025 with your help!
Please visit our JustGiving page and help grant this Christmas wish. Thank you!
Watch our full Christmas Wishes Appeal video, featuring lots of familiar faces – including staff, patients and families! Thanks to everyone who got involved!
Christmas Wishes: Support Worker Impact
Watch our full 2024 Christmas appeal video here.CHSF’s Family Support team consists of Sarah Cherry, Head of Family Support, and Lucy McMahon who works alongside Sarah and focuses on young people who are going through transition in their care.This year, the team have...
Christmas Wishes: Support Workers
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Christmas Wishes: Local specialist nurses
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