Watch our full 2024 Christmas appeal video here.
Thanks to your “fin”-tastic fundraising, CHSF has been able to fund Ward 51’s famous fishtank for many years. Children use the tank as a goal to walk towards while recovering from surgery, while others simply love communing with the watery residents.
The fish have long been a mainstay on the children’s cardiac ward for a very good reason – they genuinely help with the wellbeing of our patients and families.
In October, the family of heart hero Ted told us:
“My son had his heart surgery on Wednesday and we are currently in recovery.
“He has been reluctant to walk but this morning, with a bit of help from his friends and the nurses he managed a walk to the fish tank and got to feed them.”

Other feedback this year has included:
“We spent many hours sat by the fish tank (on Ward L51).”
“The fish tank is always a part of my sons journey too. He’s 15 now and he still goes to see them.”
“Our son Hugo loved seeing the fish when he was on the ward in Dec 2023 at only 20 months old.”
“Oh we’ve spent quite a bit of time by the fishes. Named every one!”
In fact there has been a fishtank on the children’s cardiac ward in Leeds for decades, as this amazing comment describes:
“There was a similar fish tank at Killingbeck when our daughter was there 37 years ago. She did a fun run with her friend when she was older and we bought a diver and a treasure chest for the tank with the proceeds!”
Our fabulous Play Specialist Team witness how important the fishtank is to recovery on a daily basis. Senior Healthcare Play Specialist Emma Marshall said:
“The fish tank is an integral part of the ward. It is enjoyed by everyone – patients, families and staff alike. It is used as an incentive for patients post-surgery to mobilise to and then feed the fish whilst resting and watching them eat. Patients enjoy getting this job to do and mobilising is a vital step in their recovery journey.
“We will often see parents with young babies and toddlers taking walks from their rooms and bedspaces to visit the fish. It is a well-known fact that watching fish is a good mindful activity and helps calm a busy mind.
“We are so grateful to CHSF and all their supporters in helping to fund the fish tank for us all to enjoy.”

The fishtank is a real source of relaxation and goal-setting for our patients and families, and something we would dearly love to continue funding.
Public donations are the ‘sole’ source of our funding and if you can help – this is the time and the ‘plaice’ (we had more fish puns, but thankfully they got away!). Please visit our JustGiving page and help grant this Christmas wish. Thank you!
Watch our full Christmas Wishes Appeal video, featuring lots of familiar faces – including staff, patients and families! Thanks to everyone who got involved!
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