Watch our full 2024 Christmas appeal video here.

Since our charity was founded in 1988, thousands of families have stayed in CHSF-funded accommodation.

That includes both our own accommodation in Brotherton Wing, and home-from-home Eckersley House – which, thanks to your donations, has received well over £500,000 from CHSF since 2010.

One family who have used both of our accommodation services are the Bunce family from Bolsover near Chesterfield.

Heart mum Sofie told us all about tiny heart hero Jude, who is currently in the children’s cardiac ward following multiple procedures. Sofie told us why the parent accommodation has been so crucial:

“Jude was diagnosed with a large Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD) during my pregnancy and this was confirmed at birth. The surgery had to happen within the first 3-4 months of his life due to how large the VSD was.


“He was unwell for his first scheduled surgery and admitted to Chesterfield Hospital, he was then transferred nearly 4 weeks later to Leeds General to await surgery. We have now been here at LGI for 5 weeks.

Jude is currently being treated on Ward L51 and mum Sofie from Bolsover is staying in CHSF-funded accommodation nearby.

“Jude had his VSD repair but remained in the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit and High Dependency due to being in complete heart block.

Picture 1 & 3: Jude on High-Depency Ward L51, Picture 2: A surprise visit from Katie Bear.

“Sadly this resulted in a further surgery to fit a permanent pacemaker and this whole time we were unable to stay with him overnight. Our stay is still ongoing with Jude potentially requiring further interventions.


“The parent accommodation has been our lifeline – it means we are a 5-minute walk to our baby at any time and we can get the rest we need to care and be there for him during the day.


“It means we didn’t have to fork out hundreds (if not thousands) of pounds on accommodation so that we can be with our baby as much as possible and even make sure we have clean clothes AND cooking facilities, along with the support network of other families also staying. In our case, it also means our eldest child can come and stay with us which means the absolute world.

“Jude’s dad and I will be personally raising funds for the charity that have made the hardest time of our lives that more bearable, but I’d love to see people donating as much or as little as they can.


“The charity providing a ‘home’ for us parents at such a worrying time means the world and there aren’t the words to thank CHSF enough for all they do.”

This year, CHSF gifted £15,000 to The Sick Children’s Trust (SCT) who run and manage Eckersley House, taking our overall contribution over the years to well over £500,000 – thanks to your donations. Much of this £15,000 was kindly donated in last year’s Christmas appeal – Stay Another Day!

We received this wonderful note from the SCT’s Catherine Garratt:

“I just wanted to get in touch to confirm receipt and say a huge thank you for your incredible donation of £15,000 towards our Eckersley House for cardiac families. Your funding truly makes a difference to the families whom we support and we are very grateful.”

The house relies entirely on voluntary donations to continue operating and pay running costs.

Eckersley House will have accommodated hundreds of our parents by the end of 2024, just in this year alone, and your help is urgently needed so this service can continue.

If you are able please consider making a donation to this year’s Christmas Appeal. It will make such a difference to so many,


We can keep being there for families who need a place to stay near the hospital if you help us grant this Christmas wish – to fund more parent accommodation.

Please visit the JustGiving page page for our 2024 Appeal, and give what you can to help them stay close to their loved ones! Thank you!

Watch our full Christmas Wishes Appeal video, featuring lots of familiar faces – including staff, patients and families! Thanks to everyone who got involved!

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