The Ward 51 Play Specialist team wanted to thank you for helping fund a set of cot mobiles and mirrors to help with play and stimulation amongst the youngest of patients.
They also received sets of coloured paper for use in bunting, reward charts and making mobiles and decorations.
Play Specialist Team Leader Emma Marshall sent this special message to CHSF supporters:
“Thank you so much for funding cot mobiles and mirrors for use on L51. They have proved invaluable in the play resources we are now able to offer the smallest patients we have on the ward.
“We often have many babies on the ward who are hooked up to lots of equipment and this means they are not able to turn and move as easily or be picked up and walked about with.
“Without the mobiles and mirrors this would mean many babies would be laid on their back staring at a ceiling with no other means of stimulation. The mirrors are an excellent resource as this gives a baby feedback to their smiles when parents/ carers are in need of a break.
“It helps with their visual and cognitive development and stimulates the babies to mimic their own facial expressions in the reflection. The cot mobiles are ideal in helping soothe an irritable baby with the soothing music and also provides development opportunities for them visually.

“They continue to get used daily and with the help of funding we now have more to enable all babies have access to one or the other in their bedspaces.
“Parents have reported they love using them and the babies really enjoy watching and interacting with them.”

“And thank you for funding this coloured paper for Ward L51.
“We use coloured paper for our reward charts for the children to collect their stickers on. The trust only provides an off-white, grey paper for copying, and this is not at all child friendly.
“We encourage the patients to keep their certificates with the stickers on and share them at school as evidence of what they have been through and achieved.
“This ensures the admission and surgery is rewarded in an appropriate way and with the right amount of emphasis on what they have done.
“Allowing the child the option of choosing the colour of their reward chart personalises it for them and gives them something to be proud of and want to keep.
“We also use the coloured paper to make bunting for the babies. Bunting is used to personalise the babies bedspace and ensures that all that approach use their name.
“It gives the families a little project to do and empowers them to fell as if they are doing something important for their baby when they can often feel helpless.
“Both of these are highly praised by families and are often commented on by all the team and others. Thank you!”

It is only with your support that we can keep funding vital and life-changing projects for our heart unit, patients and families.
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