Because of your superb support, CHSF were able to fund an educational event focussing on palliative care in babies and children with CHD.

The event was attended by over 90 nurses and clinicians from across the Yorkshire and Humber region.

Cat Brown, Lead Nurse for the Yorkshire & Humber Congenital Heart Disease Network said:

The event was great, exploring the challenges we face in palliative care for infants and babies with CHD.

Thank you to all the speakers and attendees for making the day a success, and special thanks to CHSF for sponsoring the day. This was our first face-to-face event since the pandemic, so the funding from Children’s Heart Surgery Fund meant we could hold it at a venue with excellent amenities!


The event was evaluated well with feedback such as “More of this, please!” and “Excellent session on a topic I wasn’t familiar with.”.


Cardiac visitors from across the pond!

Cardiac visitors from across the pond!

The Congenital Cardiology team at Leeds Children’s Hospital were visited by five Interventional Cardiologists all the way from the USA last week. Visitors included: Prof Vivian Dimas from Medical City Children's Hospital; Prof Gareth Morgan and Dr Jenny Zablah from...