Although Rebecca was born with the heart murmur, it wasn’t until she was pregnant with her second child that her heart problems became more apparent…

Rebecca said:

“From birth I have had a heart condition. I was born with a heart murmur and was under the care of Killingbeck Hospital in Leeds until the age of 13.


“From 13 up to the age of 31 I lived a healthy life, having one child and then at 31 got pregnant again with my second – which caused my heart problems to become more apparent.


“At 29 weeks pregnant, I had a heart scan where they found I had severe completion with my heart. I had pulmonary stenosis which was a blocking in my heart valves and was causing me a lot of complications. I was admitted to Sheffield Hospital while I waited for a bed at Leeds, under the care of Dr English.

“I will be forever grateful of the care and treatment I received from Leeds Congenital Heart Unit – they are all amazing.”

“To take the pressure off my heart, they made the decision to deliver my baby via c section at 32 weeks, and the care I got from all nurses doctors and staff was amazing.


“After I had my baby, they decided that my body needed to recover before I was well enough for surgery.


“Seven months after having my baby I underwent heart surgery under the care of Dr English, Dr Oliver and surgeon Mr Stefano Congiu.


“Surgery went well – I had a heart valve repair and this year is my 10 year anniversary.


“I’ve had a few minor problems since my surgery but the team at Leeds have always supported me amazingly and helped with them. I will be forever grateful of the care and treatment I received from Leeds Congenital Heart Unit – they are all amazing.


“Children’s Heart Surgery Fund helped us both when I had my daughter and when I had my surgery. They provided my partner and youngest child a room, so we weren’t apart as a family at the time.”

13 babies are born every day in the UK with a heart defect, making CHD the most common birth defect.

In our region alone, Children’s Heart Surgery Fund is there for over 17,000 babies, children and adults like Rebecca every year,  who are living with a heart defect. We’re there to support their families too!

Help us to raise vital funds this #HeartMonth, by making a donation to our essential and life-saving work. Thank you.

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