Want to fundraise on Wear Red Day but not sure what to do? Maybe you can’t take part on the day but still want to fundraise…
Join the Red Mile challenge!
We challenge you to run, walk, swim or cycle the distance of one mile while wearing red on Wear Red Day, or one day in February for Heart Awareness Month.
By taking on the RED MILE you will be raising awareness of congenital heart disease as well as generating vital funds to support hearts for life.
You can join in the challenge by registering for Wear Red Day and opening a JustGiving page.

Remember to share your activity with family, friends and colleagues and ask them to sponsor and support you in your Red Mile challenge!
It can be as simple as walking the dog or walking to school or work. You could even add the mile to your daily run, walk, swim or cycle.
Lets put some fun into fundraising and rock your red by completing a RED mile your way, anytime on Friday 3rd February, or during the month of February!
Wear Red Day is a fantastic annual event that generates vital, life-saving income for our charity to support the Leeds Congenital Heart Unit, our patients and families.
Zak’s Story
We know it’s vitally important to share your journeys with congenital heart disease. Your experiences are both reassuring and educational for other heart families, and provide vital awareness for others. 3-year old Zak’s condition was found by complete coincidence,...
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Alessia Mae is fast approaching her first birthday, but at birth she was sent urgently to her local hospital as she was critically low on oxygen and had open heart surgery at just a day old in Leeds.Mum Tierney tells the full story… “Alessia Mae was born on the 21st...
Finley’s Story
Finley Kenneth Peirson was born in July 2022 and was rushed straight to Scarborough’s Special Care Baby Unit with a suspected infection. Over the weeks that followed, Finley deteriorated and was put into an incubator. One of the doctors detected a heart murmur and...