In June this year, the Congenital Cardiology Intervention Team performed a pioneering procedure by implanting a Venus P pulmonary heart valve into an adult congenital heart disease patient.
This was the first implantation of this revolutionary valve in Europe after it received its CE mark.

Earlier this week, the story was shared on BBC Look North. Watch full video below!
Dr Jamie Bentham said:
“This is another first for Leeds and it is wonderful to be part of such a dedicated team who are consistently able to deliver first class results.”
“It is a real honour to have been asked to perform the procedure and fantastic for our patients that new technology is allowing us to treat them with keyhole procedures rather than open heart surgery”.
Teacher, Francesca Cooper, was born with pulmonary stenosis, a narrowing of the valve that lets blood flow from the heart to the lungs. At one day old she had surgery at Leeds to widen the valve but was always aware she might need a replacement valve as an adult.
The P Valve is inserted by catheter through a small incision in the groin and fed through an artery into position in the heart.
Once in position the device is carefully deployed, expending to fill the valve of an adult patient.
Thanks to the new device, Francesca was able to have a day-case keyhole procedure.
This meant she could avoid open heart surgery, a lengthy stay in hospital and a prolonged period of recovery.

As this story highlights, the Leeds Congenital Heart Unit is a world-class centre of excellence – and a leading light in congenital cardiac care, because of you.
The hybrid lab, for which YOU contributed £500,000 through the Keeping The Beat appeal, played a big part in the heart unit being able to perform this operation.
Your donations help to care of the heart, mind, family and future of congenital heart disease patients in our region. We are proud to work hand in hand with the Leeds Congenital Heart Unit and are incredibly grateful for your unrelenting support.
Your donations help to care of the heart, mind, family and future of congenital heart disease patients in our region. We are proud to work hand in hand with the Leeds Congenital Heart Unit and are incredibly grateful for your unrelenting support.
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