Back in November, CHSF managed to fund a state-of-the art incubator thanks to generous donations from Trusts and Foundations.

Senior Sister Catherine Livingstone tell us why the Baby Leo  has been such a positive addition to the Neonates department at Leeds Congenital Heart Unit

The baby Leo has been a very valued piece of equipment. I estimate it has been used maybe at least 15 times over the last 3-4 months.


The incubator has been used by term babies who only need it for short term care and then there is the premature babies who are in it for many months.


The baby Leo is a great asset to the neonatal unit – it not only provides the best thermal and developmental environment for preterm babies, it is also very user friendly for both nurses, doctors and parents.


This incubator allows us to provide a quiet, warm and calm environment which allows the babies to use all their energies into growing rather than into keeping warm. This will improve their long-term outcomes and reduce the stay duration.


The hybrid incubator offers a number of state of the art features, especially the ability to nurse the baby with the lid open or closed, depending on what procedures that are being performed, whilst maintaining the correct temperature. It can be personalised with the baby’s name and with different coloured soothing lights.


Parents have given positive feedback on the baby Leo incubator, they have stated that it is a very modern piece of equipment and feel their babies are very fortunate to be nursed in this.


They have expressed that it is lovely that the incubator can be lowered to a point where they are at chair level with parents, improving bonding and well-being. The quiet anti click features on the door opening and lid means parents are more forth coming in caring for their baby as they feel they are not disturbing them.

A huge thank you to Catherine for giving us this positive feedback! We love hearing about the difference your donations are making, and will share anything we receive with you!